AHSAE isn't only about the exhibit in Dogwood, but everything that precedes the festival in order for that to happen. And outside the exhibit is activity all weekend, including the Art Throwdown (think of challenging art methods along the lines of a sport: scrimmages, challenges, times and winners). More photos and videos soon.
--Photos by JBailey
Head to head speed drawing face challenge.
Several poses: 20 minute, 10 minute, 5 minute and 1 minute.
Every pose involved registered artists who used their own materials.
The funds raised from this 5K directly benefit the Atlanta High School Art Exhibition (AHSAE).
The Atlanta Dogwood Festival Run for the Arts 5K benefiting the Atlanta High School Arts Exhibition (AHSAE) was the first in a Run for the Arts Race Series that the Atlanta Dogwood Festival will host in 2024. Both 5Ks take place within Piedmont Park.
Thank you volunteers, and Board Members!
The day was rainy and chilly, but there were smiles all around.
Runners getting ready to hit the road
Board members help distribute the race tshirts
After the race, time to gather